1.) 3 aspects of camera movement: The director used pan camera movement to show the audience the characters realistic actions and to show the audience that John is still concerned about the girl pointing the laser at him. This makes the audience feel curious about what's John's next step gonna be as shown in the scene that the camera followed the movement of the girl. The director used Dolly camera movement to track the characters movement smoothly as the scene shows fast pace. By using Dolly camera movement the audience won't feel nauseous and the audience will understand that the scene is intense. The director used handheld camera movement to show the scene's urgency, realism, and uneasiness. This makes the audience feel the tense up, feel the high determination of John to run from the police. 2.) 2 aspects of editing: The director used pace (fast) to show rapidity as the character looks serious and swiftness of John as he looks set on the run. However the director ...