1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).

www: Kim, good knowledge of advertising conventions and subject terminology for industries terminology.

EBI: Revise contexts for Tatler (social + cultural. Revise magazine conventions for unseen product analysis. Revise film industry e.g Black Widow CSP

2) Look at the mark scheme for this assessment. For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify three points that you could have referred to in your answer.
  • Focus on how connotations communicate meanings is thorough and effective
  • Mostly appropriate and effective use of subject terminology
  • Some satisfactory analysis of the product that engages with obvious or straightforward aspects of how media language is used
3) For Question 3 (Galaxy - narrative features) use the mark scheme to write down the main narrative theories and how we can link them to the Galaxy advert CSP. 
  • Character Propp's theory: with Audrey Hepburn cast as the 'heroine character' type with the male chauffer coming to her aid as the 'hero' archetype and rescuing her. However, another interpretation would see Hepburn as the 'hero' of the narrative, taking matters into her own hands and forcing the driver of the car into the 'helper/donor' position, enabling her to complete the quest.
  • Todorov's theory: there is disequilibrium at the start when the village is associated with chaos (fruit falling, bus stopping, people shouting). This is juxtaposed with the calm, heroic persona that the audience encounters when they meet Hepburn and, when the new equilibrium is restored at the end, the sweeping vista suggests endless possibilities /traditional happy ending at the closure of the narrative.
4) Now look at Question 4 - Tatler and social/cultural contexts. Use the mark scheme to identify three points you could have made in your answer here.
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of contexts and their influence on media products and processes, demonstrated by consistently effective explanation of how magazine covers reflect the social and cultural contexts in which they were created.
  • Consistently appropriate and effective reference to Tatler magazine cover.
  • Specialist terminology is used appropriately and effectively throughout.
5) On Section B, focus on Question 7 - film industry and Black Widow. Use the mark scheme to identify three ways Black Widow was marketed to its audience.
  • The use of trailers, teasers and social media to build up excitement and word-of- mouth long before release.
  • The use of traditional film marketing techniques: trailers, film posters, red-carpet premieres, interviews with stars and director etc.
  • Star Power: most big-budget mainstream films and blockbusters will use Star Power
6) Finally, write down three things you are going to work on before your next mock exam in December (e.g. time management; revising CSPs etc.)
  • Revise CSPs
  • Practise analysing unseen contexts
  • Revise more key terminology


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