
Showing posts from January, 2024


  1) What   key conventions   of TV advertising can you find in the Galaxy advert? -Creative concept (AI), narrative, mis-en-scene (CLAMPS), editing (slow paced), camera shots (MCU), sound, logo & slogan, interlextuality. 2) What is the key message the Galaxy advert is communicating about its chocolate? The slogan for the advert will help you with this question. -The key message of the advert is that their chocolate is smooth, elegant, and classic, yet luxurious, and that it's worth buying. 3) Who is Audrey Hepburn and w hy did Galaxy select Audrey Hepburn for this advert?  -Audrey Hepburn is a famous actor, she represent heritage and elegance which links to galaxy because of their "Why have cotton when you can have silk?". 4) What is intertextuality? -when a media text references another media text. 5) What Audrey Hepburn films are suggested in this advert and how is this effect created (e.g. mise-en-scene - CLAMPS: costume, lighting, actors, make-up, ...


  1) What year was the advert produced? -The advert was produced 1955. 2) How were women represented in most adverts in the 1950s? Add as much detail to this answer as you can as these are the social, cultural and historical contexts we will need to write about in the exam. -Women was represented as housewives. They are always shown as someone who needs to obey and follow their man, women are always shown weak without a men. Most women are shown with makeup, which connotes that they should still look beautiful and feminine, so that men still finds them attractive.  3) How does the heading message ('OMO makes whites bright') and the style of the text promote the product? -The heading of the message promote the product as bold, black, and bursting out to show its importance, and to show that they want to emphasise that omo can make things brighter and white, which connotes pure, clean, and neat. 4) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the advert (CLAMPS): how is costume, make-up and pla...


  1) Find three adverts featuring women that are from the 1950s or 1960s.  Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post. Hint: You may wish to look at car, perfume or cleaning products but can use any product you wish. 2) Find three adverts featuring women that are from post-2000.  Save the images to your Media folder as jpegs and then import them into your blog post. 3) What stereotypes of women can you find in the 1950s and 1960s adverts? Give specific examples.   -They all serve for men, and they obey what they say, it's more of they are a property of men. The adverts from 1950 or 1960 establishes  more on how women don't have power against men. The other advert focuses on how the men thinks she's obsessed with him because he thinks the women thinks he's a drug, but also the men's trying to say that he's a drug himself, it can connote that he can't have a women in his life without using d...


  Part 1: Skittles advert analysis 1) What  key conventions  of print adverts can you find and what are the  connotations  or deeper meanings of each convention?  For each convention, write about how it communicates meaning to the audience. See the Maltesers advert above for an example of how to do this. Pictures of the product show colors, bright, and how multicoloured. This has the connotations of being joyful, delighted or contented, and glowing. The Logo is in bold and white. This has connotations of drawing attention since Skittles is a short word and using white makes the logo standout from the background which is red. Using white as the colour of the font makes the logo look new and clean. The Background shows rainbow, neutral, and clouds. This has connotations of being on cloud nine, using neutral shows that it's neither positive nor negative, which means Skittles is just the way it is, using rainbow shows diversity and embracing love and friendship...


  My final film industry index: 1) Film Industry: Marketing - Marvel Cinematic Universe 2) Film Industry: Black Widow 3) Film Industry: I, Daniel Blake