
Showing posts from November, 2023


  LR- Do one of the extension tasks or start the Marvel task - reading and watching video ahead of Thursday's lesson Make sure you have defined vertical integration correctly on the industry post.  (most recent) Vertical integration is when a one conglomerate owns a different business that have the same chain of production and distribution.


  1) Why did Facebook buy Instagram for $1bn? Facebook bought Instagram for $1bn because they found out that the majority of  people use Instagram rather than Facebook, so they bought it, and they found out that the users of Instagram isn't just a photo sharing app, but it's become a competitive social network.  2) What are the benefits for media companies of vertical integration? Vertical integration is when a one conglomerate owns a different business that have the same chain of production and distribution. 3) What are the benefits for media companies of horizontal integration? The benefits for media companies of horizontal integration is that they let the company that they bought do what they used to do even though they are getting more famous than the company who bought them, because all the money that the company they bought will still be on their hands. 4) What is a subsidiary? Subsidiary is when the company is being controlled by a bigger company, which means they ...


1) The preferred reading of a media text is what the media wants the audience to see in a positive way. 2) The oppositional reading of media text is what the media doesn't want the audience to see. 3)  The trailer wants the audience to think that all kids are rebellion and they like to disobey their parents. It also wants the audience to think that teens are more likely to form a gang and that they like violence. 4) Young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer because not all young kids are as bad as them, and some other kids do have a plan for their future, it's just they find happiness through friends and social media. Also all human have different aspect in their lives, therefore kids also have different perspective of the world.   5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings. Audience will more likely to give in to this advert. This is because by the look of the bu...


  1) Passive is the view that audiences passively take in information from the media and that these messages have the same effect on everyone. 2) Active  is the more modern and generally accepted view that the audiences interact with and make conscious choices regarding the media they consume. 3) Hypodermic Needle Theory is the suggestion that audiences are always passive and therefore take the intended message from the producer as if it was injected into their minds. This assumes no individual difference in audience members. 4) Information/ surveillance: The Times newspaper >It tells audiences important information about politics, the world and more. Personal Identity: Culture >The audience can relate to the film or anything they see Diversion/ Entertainment: Reality TV shows >The audience will feel at ease  from what they are watching because they get away with it Relationships: Dating >The audience will feel loved, and while other couples find their rela...


 1) Q1:  Q2:  Q3: Good try at clear point. Expand: she, as a celebrity emphasises power, success, talent, strong woman. Great effort at PEE paragraph now add more detail + organise thoughts e.g. you mention 'richness' (luxury?) and fire but these are two separate points. Pick out all evidence of luxury (e.g. evidence of 'fire' e.g. red, title heat. Q4:  Q5: You are listing evidence and not saying effect e.g. high key lighting is not just to show daytime- it is to show poverty of environment every day. Tip: don't comment on makeup if not related to advert. Q6: Not sure all charities blame the government. Don't generation too much. But some good overall points + links to water aid advert. 2) Q1: 1 Q2: 1 Q3: 5 Q4: 2 Q5: 2 Q6: 4 3) Q3: Some satisfactory analysis of the product engages with obvious or more straightforward aspects of how design and layout are used. 4) Q5: Limited appropriate reference to the Water Aid Advert 5) The message of the advert is trying to c...


1) What information do media companies use to create a demographic profile of their audience?   -Media companies create the audiences profile by using their age, gender, education, social class, race/ ethnicity, job/ profession/ earnings, home (city/ village, countryside). 2) Why are media companies and advertisers increasingly using audience profiling and not just demographics?   -Media companies and adversities use audience profiling and not just demographics because they need to include their hobbies and interests, they need to determine where the audience can get their marketing resources. They also use audience profiling to get to know the customer better and to have a greater access on their profile. 3) What psychographic group or groups do  YOU  belong in? Think about your own interests and lifestyle and explain your decision. Remember, you may fit into two or three different groups!   -I feel like sometimes I belong to the struggler as I always rely on m...